
Our work of serving our youth through the arts would not be possible without your donation. As we celebrate our 25th year, we are so thankful for a supportive community. As with all non-profits focused on the arts and youth, we rely on the continued support of our donors, and as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, your donation is fully tax-deductible. Your generous support will help keep our mission alive and set the stage for our children to shine! However you choose to donate, your support makes a creative impact in the lives of the hundreds of children we serve every year. We are so grateful for you and your support!

Did You Know?

That many companies offer employee giving programs where they match donations to nonprofits? Check with your employer to see if they can help double your impact!

No donation is too small and every little bit counts. Whether you’re a corporation, small business, or individual, your donation will have a positive impact on the work we do.

For more information, please see our 2024 Financial Report

All donations are tax deductible. Our Federal Tax ID is: 11-3760142

Ways to Donate




Please consider making a monthly, recurring donation using the link above to help sustain us on an ongoing basis. 

By Mail

To donate by check please make checks payable to Epoch Arts and mail to

27 Skinner Street

East Hampton,Ct. 06424

Here are some ways your donation helps. 


We readily accept gifts of goods or services. In-kind gifts often help us to meet specific operational needs. Epoch is happy to help you determine the availability of potential income tax deductions for your in-kind donations. All donations are tax deductible.

Matching Gifts

The company for which you or a relative works may have a corporate matching gift program. Epoch Arts qualifies for many “Matching Gifts". Taking advantage of this gift option through your company may allow you to double or even triple your gifts.

Current Needs:

  • Sponsor a tuition waiver student for classes. Give a child whose family cannot afford tuition an opportunity to experience the arts.
  • Materials for the building. Epoch is expanding its space. Building supplies are needed to replace the windows, pave the parking lot, fix up new classrooms, and many other projects.
  • Sponsor a program. Speak Out Productions, Student Directed Plays, the Haunted House, Artopia, Tag Sale, Brookside Nights are just some of the many programs that you could help sponsor.


If you or your company would like to donate used equipment to us, we could put it to good use.

We will take just about anything, but we could make particularly good use of:

  • Audio/video equipment
  • Digital cameras
  • Theatrical supplies
  • Lighting
  • Costumes
  • Microphones
  • Office supplies
  • Construction supplies


Your Impact


Art supplies for students enrolled in classes and programs


Support the enrollment of a student  who would otherwise not be able to enroll


Support one of the set designs for a student production  


Supports expansions in building and programming