Tag Sale


Tag Sale 2024

Sept  13, 14,15, 20,21 & 22

Epoch Arts is holding our 6-day annual tag sale again this year! We are so thankful to our community for all their donations, and we are ready for you to come on by and shop! 

We do not provide bags nor can we  hold items for you this year, but you can cash out numerous times, bring your purchases to your car and re-enter.  Kids of all ages can attend the tag sale but we ask that your child stays with you at all times. 

Please note, there are no public bathrooms available. 

We will charge an early bird special from 12:00-2:00 for a fee of $25 for the first Friday only, September 13th. Look for our online registration coming soon.

Tag Sale 2024 is Sept 13th and 20th 12:00-5:00 and September 14,15,21,and 22nd from 8:00-5:00. 

27 Skinner Street, East Hampton, Ct.We'll see you all at the Tag Sale!


