Our Donors
Donations are a very important part of the work we do at Epoch Arts. We appreciate each and every donation.
Please click the donate tab to discover ways to support our missions, or view our 2024 Financial Report to learn more about how we put your donations to work!
Epoch Arts is grateful for the generosity of our donors, both individual, foundations and corporate. In 2024, we received donations, grants and in-kind donations from these businesses and nonprofit agencies:
Bryce & Robin Annino & Leet
Terry Concannon
Jennifer Cox
Sheryl Dougherty
Amanda Filhaber
Pam Joslyn Greenwald
Peter Harvey
Athena Linda
Constance Markham
Lexi Mcguigan
Cynthia Oneill
Jennifer & Jason Rhodes
Nicole Spagnoletti
Andrea Spaulding
Otto & Jennifer Walter & Cox
D L Willard Webb
Brian & Marcella Wheeler & Trowbridge
Joanne Anzenberger
John Beck
Debra Crotty
Michael Foster
Thomas & Evelyn Gezo
Roger & June Hagerty
James Hansen, Jr.
Jill Jensen
Linda May
Barbara Montstream
Catherine & Harry Morgan
Karianne Rand
Kristen Walsh
Jeffrey & Tanya Colegrove
Linda Demick
Judith Holmquist
Brendon Christopher Montstream
Omar & Elizabeth Namen
Nellie & Robert Pawlak
Debra & Brian Robinson
Robert & Cynthia Shirshac
Betsy Tapper
Alison Walck
Linda and Richard Schroth
Grants, Civic Groups, Business and Corporations
- Airline Cycles
- Community Foundation of Middlesex County
- Bethlehem ELCA
- Burt Realty, LLC
- The Rotary Club of East Hampton
- The Lions Club of East Hampton
- Chatham City Real Estate, LLC
- Corrosion Probe
- East Hampton Middle School Student Activity Account
- Kulpik Foundation
- Mike's Auto Service
- Pizzeria DaVinci
- Precision Plastic Products, Inc.
- Serra and Associates
- Stop and Shop of East Hampton
- Big Y of Marlborough
- Black Walnut Bread
- Lakeside Bar and Grill
- Westchester Marketplace
- Maria's Pizzeria
- Papa Z's
- Adams Market
- Provision State Coffee
- Two Wrasslin Cats Coffee House
- Tier Technology Services
- CNG Corporation
- Connecticare
- Yankee Gas
Photo Galleries; Past Grants
2013 STEAP Grant [Photo Gallery]
We appreciate the support that we get from many individual donors as well. And our Giant Annual Tag Sale wouldn’t exist without the donations we receive from dozens, if not hundreds of local community members.