Speak Out Productions

Speak Out Productions consists of three of our theatrical cornerstone programs - Mini Production, Arts Response and Main Stage Production. By taking to the stage, these programs offer outlets for teens to voice their opinions, express feelings and work through issues that directly impact them every day. 


We offer three productions a year:



An Arts Response



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Speak out Productions is supported by:



And also by Rotary Club of East Hampton


Speak Out Productions Memories

2023 - Hidden Injustice

Hidden Injustice 2023 - POSTER (2).jpg

Hidden Injustice 2023- What happens when a group of teens wake up to find themselves in prison. Without the knowledge of who they are or what they've done, they slowly discover their stories, and that injustice has put them behind bars. Will they cave under the extreme pressure or remain strong in the face of oppression. Teens created a one act play based on real stories and inspiration of men and women who have been wrongfully locked up.